The Law Of Things Roman
In Roman law res signifies things or property it includes not merely physical things but also abstract rights such as servitude ad dominium buckland defined res in economic
sence as any economic interest guaranteed by law any right or rights having a money value any interest expressible in terms of money which the law will protect in general res
comprehends everything that can be the object of a right
classification of res
Res have been classified in the following waysRes corporales and res incorporales res corporales are tangible objects that can be felt or touched such things have a physical existence,house gold money
slave wheat etc and can be possessed and delivered res incorporales are those things which are intangible and have no actual existence they cannot be touched or perceived by
the senses and exist only in the eye of law they consist of rights such as servitude e.g. a man's right of inheritance obligation e.g a man's duty to perform some promise
which the law regards as binding or to make compensation for some wrong he has done to another incorporeal things do not admit of possession or delivery
About Roman Vs United state
Res mancipi and res nec mancipi the real distinction between the two lay in the mode of transfer res mancipi were those things which could only be legally conveyedby the ceremony of mancipatio it is was conveyed in any other way no title passed to the transferee the property in the thing the ownership of it remained in the transferor
notwithstanding his attempted alienation and although he had actually handed it over to another lands and houses in italy slaves oxen mules horses asses rustic servitude
were designated as res mancipi all other res were res nec mancipi which could be transferred by traditio or delivery of possession provided the res in question was capable of physical
delivery After the time of gaius mancipatio gradually lost its importance and in the time of justinian mancipatio was entirely superseded by traditio and the division into
res mancipi and res nec mancipi was accordingly obsolete
Roman Justice Vs Donald Trupm United States
to it res immobiles and all other property res mobiles res mobiles in its nature are not stationary and as such can be appropriated but the land cannot be so owned an immovable property cannot
be taken away and stolen it is of greater value and importance than the movable property it takes longer time to acquire ownership in immovale property by possession without title
Res communes common are things common to all and may be enjoyed by all the world but not capable of appropriation by any body such as air running water the sea and the sea-shore
Res Nullius are things which belong to nobody e.g. wild animals,treasure trove things abandoned etc,but it may be the object of private property when found and occupied by an individual.Res nullius
include not merely humani juris
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